Civic Associations

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LOCA - Lake Oscawana Civic Association
Prior to the establishment of the current lake tax District, the Committee to Save Lake Oscawana, was active in an education effort commissioning several scientific studies to collect data on the process of lake eutrophication so that base-line information could be identified.
After a referendum of property owners the Lake Oscawana Aquatic Plant Growth Control Tax District was established in l987. The Town of Putnam Valley is the primary government body with the responsibility for lake management with input from the County and from New York State agencies. The Harvester, which operates each summer to cut Lake areas and to reduce plant growth is an important example of the tax district's ongoing activities. The District also hires a scientist to monitor the lake and submit recommendations to improve water quality.
In 1988, the Town created the Lake Oscawana Advisory Committee (LOAC), a volunteer group of District residents, who were appointed to act as  liaisons to the Town Board to address issues concerning Lake Oscawana. LOAC has been an important voice in continuing to generate data concerning the health and condition of the Lake, of ensuring that Town and State government resources are used to their fullest extent, of supporting the enforcement of current regulations of lake management, and of identifying future Lake needs.

The current members who serve on the Committee are:
Kathleen McLaughlin, Chairperson
Dr. Ellen Friedman
The Town Board Liaison to the Lake Oscawana District is Supervisor Robert Tendy.

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One of our Town’s most important resources is our Library, established in 1937, located just north of Oregon Corners on Oscawana Lake Road. An innovative facility, and part of the Mid-Hudson Library System, the Library provides not only books and newspapers but also computers for the use of its patrons and just the right mixture of exciting programs in the visual, crafts and theater arts. Annually the Library has a book sale and honors Town volunteers with an awards ceremony. The Library is also the Town repository for video program tapes and certain documents in hard copy. (845-528-3242 – 30 Oscawana Lake Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579)

Located in what was once our one-room school house the Putnam Valley Historical Society is celebrating its 40th Anniversary at its current location at Adams Corners. The Town is very proud of the collection and work of the Society which preserves our history for future generations and provides an opportunity for a 21st Century pause. (845-528-1024 – Post Office Box 297, 301 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579 –


As part of the Town’s commitment to a cleaner environment bulk drop-offs are welcome at the Town Highway Department on the 3rd Saturday of the month from April 19th through October 18th between 8 AM – 11:45 AM; there is a modest set of fees associated with some contents (further details can be found on the Town website,